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Magang Gushan Mining Company

Magang Gushan Mining Company

Gushan mining area is an old mine with a mining history of nearly 100 years. The ore products mainly include concentrate, fine ore, lump ore and magnetic concentrate. It is an important iron ore production and supply base for Ma Steel.

Screen machine model: Landsky LKLB3661
Process: Wet screening after HPGR
Mineral: iron ore
Product serial number

Baixiangshan Iron Mine which belongs to Maanshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd, was completed and put into operation since 2013; it produces 1.1 million tons of iron concentrate annually. Landsky LKLB3661 linear screen is used for wet classification of materials from HPGR discharge after secondary crushing. As a closed-circuit classification, the oversize returns to the HPGR after discarded by magnetic separation, the undersize goes to the wet magnetic separation.




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